Episode 145: Self Healing Series: How Humor Can Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity with Dr. Madan Kataria, The Founder of Laugher Yoga


Happy New Episode Wednesday in our final episode of the Self-Healing series. Today Erin speaks with Dr. Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga. The topic? How humor can reduce stress and increase productivity. 

ICYMI – Your Post-Episode Homework: Go to this website and get yourself some free laughter yoga. And if today's conversation inspired you, made you laugh, and/or you have a friend who could use a good giggle, send them this episode. 

Press play now, and get ready for a conversation that doesn’t skimp on “aha” moments. 


About Dr. Madan Kataria: 

Dr. Kataria is a medical doctor from Mumbai, India. Popularly known as the Guru of Giggling, Dr. Kataria is the founder of Laughter Yoga Clubs - a movement that started in 1995 with just five people in a public park in Mumbai.  Amazed by the number of studies showing profound physiological and psychological benefits of laughter, Dr. Kataria decided to find a way to deliver these benefits to his patients and the rest of the world. The result is Laughter Yoga, a unique exercise routine that combines group laughter exercises with yoga breathing, which allows anyone to laugh without using humor, reduce stress, and increase productivity. 


Laughter Yoga has grown into a worldwide movement of more than 6,000 laughter yoga clubs in over 60 countries. It's spread rapidly in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Middle East, Southeast Asia, China, and Africa. This new concept has been widely covered by prestigious publications like Time Magazine, National Geographic, and the Wall Street Journal. Laughter Yoga has been featured on CNN, BBC US Networks, and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Now Dr. Kataria is a keynote, motivational, and inspirational speaker for companies, corporations, and organizations all over the world. He's also a corporate consultant for holistic health stress management, team building leadership, peak performance, and communication skills. 


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Connect with Erin Diehl: 

Erin Diehl is the founder and Chief “Yes, And” officer of improve it! and host of the improve it! Podcast. She’s a performer, facilitator and professional risk-taker who lives by the mantra, “get comfortable with the uncomfortable.” Through a series of unrelated dares, Erin has created improve it!, a unique professional development company that pushes others to laugh, learn and grow. Her work with clients such as United Airlines, PepsiCo, Groupon, Deloitte, Motorola, Walgreens, and The Obama Foundation earned her the 2014 Chicago RedEye Big Idea Award and has nominated her for the 2015-2019 Chicago Innovations Award. 

This graduate from Clemson University is a former experiential marketing and recruiting professional as well as a veteran improviser from the top improvisational training programs in Chicago, including The Second City, i.O. Theater, and The Annoyance Theatre. 

When she is not playing pretend or facilitating, she enjoys running and beach dates with her husband and son, and their eight-pound toy poodle, BIGG Diehl. 

You can follow the failed it! podcast on Instagram @learntoimproveit and facebook, and you can follow Erin personally on Instagram @keepinitrealdiehl here. You can also check out improve it! and how we can help your organization at www.learntoimproveit.com. We can’t wait to connect with you online! 

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Episode 145 Transcription

rin (00:02): 

Improve it peeps. Today's show is gonna be just one of your faves. Sit back, relax. We have Dr. Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga on this show, and it is the last episode in our self-healing series. We're talking all about how humor can reduce stress and increase productivity. So let me introduce you to Dr. Kataria, a medical doctor from Mumbai, India. Popular popularly known as the guru of Giggling. He's the founder of Laughter Yoga Clubs and the movement started in 1995 now re researching the benefits of laughter. He was amazed by the number of studies showing profound physiological and psychological benefits of laughter. He decided to find a way to deliver these benefits to his patients and other people. And the result is Laughter Yoga, a unique exercise routine that combines group laughter exercises with yoga, breathing, which allows anyone to laugh without using jokes, humor, or comedies started with just five people in a public park in Mumbai in 1995. 

Erin (01:11): 

It has grown into a worldwide movement of more than 6,000 laughter yoga clubs in over 60 countries. It's spread rapidly in the S A Canada, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, China, and Africa. This new concept has been widely covered by prestigious publications like Time Magazine, national Geographic, and the Wall Street Journal, and featured on CNN, N N B, BBC US Networks, and the Oprah Winfrey Show by North Star. Now Dr. Kataria is a keynote, motivational, and inspirational speaker for companies, corporations, and organizations all over the world. And he's also a corporate consultant for holistic health stress management, team building leadership, peak performance and communication skills. I'm not even gonna set you up on what's gonna go down in this. Just sit back, relax and enjoy this episode with Dr. Kataria. Are you a leader searching for new and innovative ways to drive employee engagement and team morale through the roof? 

Erin (02:17): 

Do you wanna create a company culture where everyone feels seen, heard and valued? Hi, I'm Erin Diehl, business Improv Edutainer, failfluencer and Professional Zoombie who is ready to help you improve your it, your IT being the thing that makes you, you think of me as your keeping it real. Professional development bestie who is here to help you learn from your failures, stand tall in your power and improve yourself so you can improve the lives of others. Oh, and did I mention that we are improving your IT through play? That's right. I am an improvisational comedy expert who uses experiential learning to help you have your aha haha moments. Those are the moments when the light bulb goes off and you're laughing at the same time. So grab your chicken hat, your notebook, and your inner child because I'm gonna take you on a journey that is both fun and transformative. Welcome to the Improve It Podcast. Hi! My teeth hurt <Laugh>. Okay, improve It peeps. You must be wondering why we're laughing. It's because I have the amazing founder of Laughter Yoga, Dr. Kataria here with us today to share his essence, his light, his love, his laughter with us. Dr, welcome to the Improve It podcast. 

Dr. Kataria (04:10): 

Hello everybody. 

Erin (04:20): 

This is the best. So just so everyone knows, it's six 30 in India, right? It is 8:00 AM in where I'm coming from in the United States in Charleston, South Carolina. And this is my first chat of the day. It's probably your last, I don't know, maybe your last meeting of the day. And I'm so grateful that we are having this time together. I hope I you, you are just such a light. So I wanna start by setting an intention for today's show. What is a word or just any intention that you wanna give our audience today? 

Dr. Kataria (04:55): 

Okay, my intention is love for no reason <laugh> 

Erin (05:07): 

That is amazing. And I told you this before we hit record. I always research guests and I found you and I'm so thrilled you said yes to coming on this show. But researching you was one of my most favorite things ever. I was smiling the entire time because I was watching your YouTube videos and listening to you on podcast and bef I wanna, I just wanna go into a laughter yoga exercise. But before we do that, is there anything that we should know about laughter yoga or we should understand before we do that? 

Dr. Kataria (05:45): 

Okay, so there are two things important about laughter, you guys, that first laughter yoga is not a comedy, this is a laughing as a form of exercise. So why laughter? Laughter is an exercise because scientific studies have shown that your body, your brain doesn't know the difference between real laughter or even do intentional laughter. You still get the same benefits. So we started laughter yoga because there are not many reasons that makes us laugh today and there is hardly anything to laugh about. So I've discovered that laughter doesn't have to be a natural laughter depending upon so many reasons and conditions, we can do it and we can laugh for the sake of laughing and still get the same benefits. So second thing is that yoga part of laughter is combination of laughter and breathing. Exercise, you breathe and laugh. So laughter itself is like a breathing exercise. You inhale, take a long deep breath. So this is simple as simple laugh and breathe is laughter yoga, 

Erin (07:01): 

I am obsessed with this and it's so hard to not smile even while you're just talking about it. It's truly makes my my cheeks hurt. I'm gonna walk out of here with sore cheeks because this is truly like your laughter is so contagious and I wanna talk about that in a little bit. But can we get to it? Can we do an exercise that will show us the impact of laughter yoga? Is there something that you could teach us that's easy to do via podcast? 

Dr. Kataria (07:32): 

Yeah, so what, what I suggest that people who are listening to this podcast, they should start laughing with us. The first laughter exercise is fake it until you make it. So we starting laughter to begin with and within seconds you'll see your laughter turn onto ready. 

Erin (08:25): 

I can't get it together now <laugh>. Ok, I'm laughing, I'm crying. I feel like it. That was interesting. Do you, so you started off with the haha and you edit the ho ho. Is there ever a time you've done that exercise and it hasn't created natural laughter or, or no? Is it always that way? 

Dr. Kataria (08:47): 

In the beginning it was a little bit hard because when I discovered that laughing for the sake of laughing is good. So I thought, okay, I'll do just <laugh>. So I believe that even laughing as an exercise is good for me. So I don't really distinguish between spontaneous laughter and laughter as an exercise. So, but with practice then it turn into <laugh>, then you start laughing at your own laughter, what am I doing <laugh>? So this is the science behind laughter you guys that even if you laugh for the sake of laughing, your body brain doesn't know the difference. So you're still getting the same, but laughter is like a breathing exercise. When you are laughing, you are exhaling, lot of sta outta your lungs and you get more ox oxygen. So how does it matter? Laughter doesn't have to be a genuine laughter. So, but in laughter, yoga clubs, we laugh in groups. So when you laughing in a group looking at each other, catch eye contact with other people, <laugh> turns into contagious love <laugh>. It 

Erin (09:57): 

Does. Yes it does, yes it does. Well I love this so much and as you know, we use improv as the teaching tool, which leads to laughter, but we don't start off with laughter as this mechanism. And I've seen groups and rooms of people change because we get to laughing after guiding them through activities, but we just don't start with it, which I think is so genius. So let me ask you this, what, what led you in your life to this modality? What brought you to create this beautiful tool? 

Dr. Kataria (10:34): 

<Laugh>, actually I was practicing as a family physician in Mumbai and also I was editor of a health magazine in two languages. It, and it was very stressful to bring out two publications every month. So I got too stressed out and I thought I need something to de-stress myself. So I started writing series of articles for my magazine on stress management. I thought maybe I'll find the answer for my stress. So I wrote several things on stress management in March, 1995. I thought of writing, let me write about laughter is the best medicine. So what are the benefits of laughter? I discovered a lot of scientific research about the benefits of laughter. I said nobody's laughing. So idea, just idea just flashed through my mind. Why not start a laughter club? So I went to a public park near my house. We used to go for a morning walk, hundreds of morning there. I spoke to them, I wanna start a laughter club, you join me and they start telling me, doc, are you alright? <Laugh> laughing is good. So most ridiculed this idea so di only five, my wife and three people. And initially we started laughing by telling jokes and people loved it. We, our attendance started growing by about 10 days. We were 50 people in the laughter club, but we ran out of good jokes and most of the jokes were negative jokes, hurting jokes. Then came vulgar and sexy jokes started coming in and they asked me, 

Dr. Kataria (12:15): 

<Laugh> <laugh>, they 

Dr. Kataria (12:18): 

Asked me to stop this nonsense. I said, no, no, no, don't stop this laughter clock. Gimme one day I'll find some breakthrough technology, how to laugh without jokes. So I started looking for ideas. I flipped flip through the books and I was reading a book called Emotions and Health. And there I found the breakthrough. They say even if you act like a happy person, your body doesn't know the, your body and brain doesn't know the difference between your acting or you're really happy. I said, cool, couldn't make laughter as an exercise. Ha. So I, I took the photocopy of that article and went rushing to the park. I say, buddy, I found the breakthrough. They say what? I said fake it until you make it fake or real laughter body doesn't know so you still get the same benefits. So we started faking laughter, 50 people standing in a circle and we started doing ha ha ha 

Dr. Kataria (13:14): 

Ha ha 

Dr. Kataria (13:17): 

And within second everybody was <laugh>, everybody was laughing for real and we couldn't stop laughing. And then we started creating different exercises, laughter and cell phone, laughter, milkshake, laughter, and, and the funniest laughter we created was visa bill, laughter, credit card bill, laughter. So imagine you look at your, this is the bill for your credit card and 

Erin (13:59): 

Oh my gosh, what a journey. And it's so wonderful just sitting here listening to you. It's so, you're, you're absolutely right. Watching somebody looking into their eyes, seeing them laugh is infectious. Like it has, this is only lasted tw 11 minutes and I feel like I have like gone to a comedy show <laugh> and I'm, you know, sitting back with popcorn, but I'm, I'm a part of the show <laugh>. So can you 

Dr. Kataria (14:31): 


Erin (14:32): 

Can you tell us too, just how does that work? How does looking into somebody's eyes and laughing with them become so infectious? Is there science behind that as well? 

Dr. Kataria (14:45): 

Yeah, so first thing is that our frontal lobe of the brain has specialized neurons, cells we call mirror neurons. So we're actually copying and mimicking the behavior of other people. If we see somebody smiles at you, even if you don't want to smile back, you smile back because of the mirror neuron. If you see somebody crying, you feel sad, right? So actually we are the product of environment. Our neuro neurons are working all the time. So what kind people you are going be with, you're going become like them. So if you're being with happy people, you are going become happy. So this is the whole idea. Laughter is contagious because of the mirror neurons in the brain, they're copying the mimicking the emotions of other people. So that's why laughter is infectious. Second thing signs behind laughter yoga is that even if you smile for the sake of smiling, your facial muscle sends a biofeedback signals to the brain centers and then it'll start to create the same happy chemicals, endorphins. And what we say in love yoga, we don't laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh. 

Dr. Kataria (16:03): 


Erin (16:06): 

I love it. So wait, are you telling me I don't have to work out anymore? I just need to smile more to produce endorphins? 

Dr. Kataria (16:17): 


Erin (16:17): 

Yeah. Okay. All right. 

Dr. Kataria (16:19): 

Yeah, la laughter is like a aerobic exercise actually. Actually when you're laughing continuously as we do in laughter yoga, it increases your heart rate and it your heart is pumping out more blood, cardiac output goes up, blood vessels dilate, endorphins pushes out into the blood circulation and you feel good. 

Dr. Kataria (16:40): 

Yeah. And, 

Dr. Kataria (16:41): 

And laughter from Yogi point of view, why we call laughter yoga. The yoga part of laughter is laughing a little bit longer because in yoga they tell you that you exhale longer than you inhale because there is lot of residual air in your lungs, carbon exide in your lungs. So when you exhale longer, you get rid of that sta air and you get more oxygen. And what do we do when we laugh? We exhale. So laughter is like an exhalation. So if you laugh a little bit longer, same result, you get more oxygen. 

Dr. Kataria (17:15): 

<Laugh>. Yeah, <laugh>. 

Erin (17:21): 

It's really contagious. It's amazing. I'm gonna listen to this episode when I'm having a bad day, like a million times and I love that because there has, of course there's science behind it. 

Erin (17:35): 

Hey, improve it. Peep, I wanted to interrupt your learning really quick to thank you for turning into this show. Now. Each week myself and the entire Improve It team are working tirelessly to give you the content you deserve to help you use play to become your best self personally and professionally. Now, if you wanted to return the thank you, that's okay, you don't have to, but if you did, would you leave us a five star review on iTunes? It takes two minutes to leave five stars and maybe a comment or two on how this show has impacted you. Just scroll to the bottom of this show on iTunes and you'll see the opportunity to leave five stars. Now once you do that, please send a screenshot, take a screenshot from your phone and email it to info learn to improve it.com. That is info learn to improve it.com. 

Erin (18:32): 

This way we know it's from you. We will be drawing one name per month to send an Improve It podcast Care Package to this care package is the Bees Maze. It will include branded goodies from the show, some of our favorite books and products from previous guests in a few more surprises. So thank you for the opportunity to tell you thank you. And if you want to thank me by leaving a review, then I will say thank you by potentially sending you a care package that shows our full appreciation. So thank you for thanking me and we thank you will really like the goodies in the care package. Okay, back to improving it. Thanks. 

Erin (19:19): 

In researching you, you talk about the oxygen intake, you talk about left yoga has the ability to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve your immune system, which is amazing, improve your mood, your outlook on life. So I'm putting you on the spot here. I didn't ask you this before, but is there an exercise in particular that you have that can help us when we're particularly stressed? So this, you know, show is filled with people who care about people, they take care of others. They most of the time put others' needs before their own. Is there anything that we could do in the moment to reduce our stress? That's super easy, 

Dr. Kataria (20:03): 

Simple. A normal person. It's not easy to laugh without a reason. That is why you must attend some online laughter classes. There's hundreds of YouTube videos on Laughter Yoga, so you can learn Laughter Yoga online. We have Free Laughter Club, we have free Laughter Club on Zoom, you can attend every day. And it's almost, that's amazing these days. It's 9:00 PM Eastern Time in the United States. Where are you? 

Erin (20:39): 

I'm I'm in East coast, eastern time. So South Carolina, yes. 

Dr. Kataria (20:44): 

Maybe 9:00 PM your time You come, I'll send you a Zoom link or same is true for all your listeners if they wanna laugh with me for 30 minutes, we have a half an hour session and please come and laugh with me and then you'll know you can, you can catch some of the audio from the laughter group also for 

Erin (21:05): 

Your people. Yes, <laugh>, if you give us that zoom, I'll put it in the show notes so everybody can attend and I'll tell people when I'm coming so we can do it together. I can you guide us through just 30 minutes. Is it nonstop laughter? What does it feel like the entire time that you're there? 

Dr. Kataria (21:23): 

See we do some warming up clapping, like ho ho ha haha, ho ho ha ha ha. This is warming up exercise before you start laughing, just opens you up. Then second step is breathe in laugh, put your hands out and take a long deep breath. Inhale, hold it, hold it and it out. So laughter yoga is not a rocket science. It's breathing and laughing it out, breathing in and laughing it out. And then we create different laughter exercises, laughter, milkshake, laughter, argument, laughter. So there are different kinds of laughter exercises we have. So once you actually attend a few sessions, you'll learn the art of laughing for no reason. And this is nothing new. We were, we were laughing for no reason when we were kids, 

Erin (22:35): 

Right? Yes, yes. 

Dr. Kataria (22:38): 

So this is again, teaching the adults, the grownups how to be like a child again. <Laugh>, 

Dr. Kataria (22:44): 


Erin (22:45): 

I love that. So many thoughts on that. Well first of all, I saw your, I was researching you and doing some exercises. I saw the milkshake exercise that you mentioned, and I like that you gave an option for people who are lactose intolerant. So thank you for that. And then I <laugh> 

Erin (23:05): 

It's so true. It's we d we we, we as children do laugh for the silliest things. I have a three-year-old little boy and I watch him just find joy in the most mundane. And it's so fun to watch. And that's, I think as we grow older, we lose that. And I, I know probably people listening to have friends who they want to be around. I have I three friends come to mind in my life who are just the f most giggly, silliest people. And anytime I'm with them, it's with the best day ever. And that's how I feel about you right now. Like this is so fun. So you can see the benefits in your real life. And I wanna, is there a case study or a, a story that you have? Because I do think laughter, as you said, is the best medicine. It has the ability to heal us, which is part of this self-healing series that I'm bringing you on for, you're the actual last episode of this self-healing series where people can understand that you don't have to go to a million different thi doctors to heal yourself. You can actually heal yourself through some of these fundamentals. So have you seen anyone in particular? And you don't have to say a name, take these fundamentals of laughter yoga and really apply them to just come out stronger and better than ever. 

Dr. Kataria (24:29): 

First I tell you that laughter yoga started with just five people. Now we are present in hundred and 20 countries without any marketing and advertising. It has spread you. Do you know why? Because people are getting benefits from it and people are getting some values from it. And lemme tell you about benefits. If you laugh 10 to 15 minutes every day, you'll not fall sick easily. And if you have some chronic illnesses, you'll heal much faster because there are two or three healing factors from laughter. One is that oxygen, when you have body cells have more oxygen, it heals and it's preventive. You, you won't fall sick. Even people who are suffering from cancer, they can heal much faster with more oxygen. Second is your immunity. When you laugh, all your immune functions, all your immune components become stronger. Your, if your immune system is strong, you'll not fall sick in the first place. 

Dr. Kataria (25:35): 

And then if you have some chronic illnesses, you'll heal much faster. Like people suffering from chronic diseases like multiple sclerosis, arthritis in insomnia are heart disease, diabetes? No, I'm not saying anecdotal. There are more than 400 research papers on laf yoga worldwide in different universities. So you can see on my website that lots of scientific studies have proven that laf yoga is both preventive as well as therapeutic. It's healing. And one of the greatest disease today we have is depression. Number one, sickness in the world. And depressed people never laugh. And if you keep laughing, you're less likely to be depressed. Pe heart disease, hypertension is again pandemic. More than 12 million people die of cancer every year. It's not funny. So Covid killed only six, five to 6 million people. But what about cancer? Every year people die more than 12 million. How many people die of heart disease? Hypertension, diabetes. So all this can be preventive with laughter. Yoga, if you provided you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes should be a sustained laughter. No laughter coming out of jokes. Humor comedies is very short. It's never sustained and long and it's comes off and on. That's why you don't get benefits. 

Erin (27:06): 

Hmm, that is interesting. You know, I read that when I was researching and hearing you say it now I've been doing improv for 14, 15 years and it's, when I come home from a rehearsal, I'm the one facilitating the laughs to the audience. So I'm not laughing, I'm so present in that moment. But when I watch a show, I feel like I do laugh, but it is small increments and chunks cuz you're, you can't laugh for a 30 minute show the entire time. But I do feel differently in my brain. It is almost like a workout. If I go see a show and it's hilarious the entire time and I've got a laugh here, a laugh, baff laugh, laugh, and it's continuous. So 10 to 15 minutes can reduce disease, it can reduce mental illness, it can reduce various things in our bodies that should not be there, which I'm hearing is so healing. And I saw a lot of the research on your website and just think that it is a wonderful, wonderful thing that you have created. And I wanna just ask you, so is laughter yoga the main modality you use in your own life for self-care and mental wellness? Or is there any other practice that you might do? 

Dr. Kataria (28:31): 

Oh, see, I belong to India and India is known as spiritual supermarket. <Laugh>. 

Dr. Kataria (28:37): 


Dr. Kataria (28:39): 

So along with my yoga and traditional yoga, I do practice traditional yoga breathing exercises and I meditate every day for three minutes. I keep silence. So I do silence meditation and then I do physical exercise. Of course I go to gym to take care of my aerobic exercises also. But I think laughter is the major part of my life. I laugh almost two, three hours if you add up my whole laughter, how much I'm laughing and teaching. So one day I'm laughing 

Erin (29:26): 

And, and family, is it just like constant laughter as well? Is it just a day-to-day part of your life? Do they laugh as much as you? 

Dr. Kataria (29:34): 

Yeah, I think my wife is also involved in laughter yoga. So we are laughing all day. And then my family, my brothers sisters, they're also laughter yogis. They attend laughter clubs and they're very, they're feeling very proud that their brother has created something great. 

Erin (29:52): 

Oh, I love that so much. And I think that you have changed so many lives and I just feel very honored to have you here today. And so we say it, improve it, the, it is our purpose. It's the thing that we were put on this earth to do, the thing that we bring to the world. So what is your it or the thing that you think you're brought here to do? 

Dr. Kataria (30:18): 

Okay, I'm here to tell you about our mission of love to you guys. Health, happiness, and word peace through laughter. So when you laugh, of course you get all health benefits, it's preventive, you don't fall sick. And if you have some problems, you heal faster. Love you guys. Healing as well as preventive. So health is taken care, physical, mentally, emotional, social health, everything is included in laughter. Yoga, happiness, no pursuit of happiness is very complicated. Everybody wants to be happy, but we don't have many reasons that makes us happy today. So la yoga is the easiest way to be happy. Shortcut you laugh, you become happy because you are, it changes your, so if you understand the difference between happiness and joy, you'll understand what love, how you can become happy even without looking for a reason to be happy. Our happiness depends upon so many reasons and conditions. 

Dr. Kataria (31:17): 

You get what you want in your life and even if you get what you want does not make you happy for a long time. So you look for another, but joy is not outside. Joy is within you. Joy is your unconditional commitment to have fun from within. And you can create on demand and command like singing, dancing, playing, laughing. This is part of love yoga. So you become like a child and create happiness from within, not from outside. And this is how you, if you are happy from within, then the perception of the outer world changes what you, what you see, the outer world is a reflection of your inner world. And this is our submission. Number three word, peace through laughter. When you laugh, you change. When you change the word changes. So when more and more people start laughing in this word, this place will be much peaceful. Peace inside is peace outside. So we are bringing world peace one person at a time. You are multiplying. That's why we created one minute laughter for word peace. So we asking everyone to record their one minute laughter every day and post it on social media and say, Hey, this is for the 

Erin (32:42): 

My favorite interview. This is truly, and I say that with a lot of love. We have amazing guests on this show. I love that. And it's so true. Oh my gosh. You see the world the way that you feel inside. And that is so important to make joy a priority in your life. My word for the year, I always have a word of the year, my word for the years inner peace. And so I just resonate with what you said. I'm so glad that you have your it here in the world. I'm so grateful for the work that you do. It's inspiring. So tell our audience, if they want to find you, we will drop all of the links in the show notes. Where can they find you? If they want to connect, if they wanna see your videos, if they wanna laugh, where do they find you? 

Dr. Kataria (33:35): 

Very, very simple on the Google search. We are number one. So our website love yoga.org. 

Erin (33:42): 

I love it. Okay, 

Dr. Kataria (33:43): 

Second, I'll send you the link for anyone who wanna join a free laughter club on Zoom. So we are doing every day India time morning, and then US time will be evening. And then on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, the different time. So you can find everything on my website. So tell tell your friends, your people that put Laughter, yoga Word or Dr. Aria on the Google search. You'll find my website coming on the top. 

Erin (34:10): 

Yes. Okay, well we will drop all of that in there. Improve the Peeps. Run. Run. And Dr. Aria, thank you so much just for the opportunity to chat with you, the Giggle guru across the world. <Laugh>, I love that title. 

Dr. Kataria (34:26): 

I have a message for you and your people. 

Erin (34:29): 

Okay, I'm ready. 

Dr. Kataria (34:30): 

Life is serious. Death is serious. There is a lot of seriousness in this world. Time has come. We should take laughter seriously. No, 

Erin (34:46): 

No. So here it is an honor. Thank you. Oh gosh, 

Erin (35:08): 

I can't stop laughing. Like it's truly eight 30 in the morning here in Charleston, South Carolina. My first call of the day, my, oh my God, it just set me up for such a beautiful morning. Thank you. I hope that you enjoyed this episode. Here's your homework. Go to this website in our show notes, get yourself some laughter, yoga. And if today's episode inspired you, it made you laugh and you have a friend who needs to giggle, send him the Giggle Guru. Pass this episode on, share it to your stories. Laugh today, heal through laughter. There's so many health benefits as we heard him talk about and share this gift with others. The world needs more laughter, levity, and positivity. Improve it peeps. As always, I want you to keep failing, keep improving because this world needs that. Very, very special it that only you can bring. And I hope that we infused some laughter into your IT today. I'll see you next week. Bye. Hey friend, did you enjoy today's show? If so, head on over to iTunes to rate and subscribe. So you never miss an episode. Now, did I mention that when you leave a five star review of the Improve IT podcast, an actual team of humans does a happy dance? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. That's right. So leave a review for us on iTunes, screenshot it, and send me an email at info learn to improve it.com. I'll send you a personalized video back as a thank you. Thanks so much for listening. Improve It Peeps. I'll see you next Wednesday.



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